Washington State University Green Transportation Program
The WSU Energy Program maintains this Green Transportation website to provide education and technical assistance to support public fleets’ transition to cleaner fuels.
The WSU Energy Program maintains this Green Transportation website to provide education and technical assistance to support public fleets’ transition to cleaner fuels.
The DOE Alternative Fuels Data Center (AFDC) provides both introductory and advanced information on all major alternative fuels (biodiesel, electricity, ethanol, hydrogen, natural gas, and propane).
The Washington State Department of Ecology Zero-Emission Vehicle Website provides an overview of the state Legislature-passed Zero-Emission Vehicle law.
A collection of EV ready codes including parking codes, building codes, and energy codes.
Washington State’s Plan for Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Deployment is a blueprint for the planning, prioritization,
and implementation of a statewide network of charging stations along state highways.
The Washington State Department of Commerce provides educational resources, funding opportunities, and supports the state’s EV coordinating council.
The Western Washington Clean Cities Coalition provides resources, tools, and education to support alternative fuels, including fleet electrification.
Developed by the Washington EV Council and delivered to the Legislature in February 2024, this comprehensive report includes recommended actions the state can take this year and beyond to ensure the benefits of driving electric vehicles, charging infrastructure, and market incentives are accessible and available to all Washingtonians.